Q: What is your driving force?
SR: Shoedesign is my passion. To merge design and industrial production, is what I love about my work. A good shoe is like a composition for me, in which fashion, shape, fitting, materials and technology are all connected in the best possible manner - to provide a great walking experience.
Q: What is important for you?
SR: That would be sustainability. It is, that we should interact respectfully with people and all resources in order to create a better environment for coming generations.
Q: Everybody talks about 3D in development, what is your perspective on it?
SR: In my early years I had the immense fortune to work and study under true masters of the craft, who shared their knowledge freely with me. This was a gift for which I am truly grateful.
Nowadays people believe it is easy to manage a product because we have all varieties of software. This is only one sided of the coin.
Schuhdesign | Leistungsumfang
Design & Entwicklung
Von Design über Entwicklung bis zur Serienreife – mit über drei Jahrzehnten Erfahrung auf drei Kontinenten, schnüren wir für unsere Kunden das passende Gesamtpaket.
- Marktanalyse
- Kollektionsentwicklung
- Erstellung von Kollektionsrahmenplänen basierend auf Marktanalyse und Vertriebszahlen
- Produktmanagement
- Produktionsorientierte Entwicklung
- Konstruktionen: Ago | Carlifornia | Desma | Flexibel | Goretex | Goodyear | Mocassin | Sacchetto | Sancrispino | Siouxflex | Vulca
- Entwicklung und Abnahme von Leisten
- Design und Entwicklung von Sohlen
- Unterstützung bei Formenbau und Sohlenmaterialien
Shoedesign | Services provided
Design & Development
- Market research
- Range and linebuilding
- Team leading
- Productmanagment
- Production oriented development
- Constructions: Ago | California | Strobel | Stitchdown | Mocassin | Saccetto | Sancrispino | Siouxflex | Goretex | Goodyear | Vulcanized | Desma
- Briefing and supervision of last development
- Design and development of uppers and soles
- Support in mould development
- Training of staff

Beratung & Coaching
Sie haben immer wieder die gleichen Symptome und Herausforderungen in der Entwicklung und in der Produktion zu bewältigen? Sie müssen viel Zeit und Ressourcen aufwenden um die Liefertreue und Qualität zu halten?
- Hintergrundwissen der Modelltechnik – wieso habe ich immer dieselben Defekte am Schuh?
- Design – wieso brauche ich mehrere Anläufe um die Proportionen perfekt zu treffen?
- Kollektion – wie beeinflusst Ihr Workflow in der Entwicklung Ihre Liefertreue und Qualität?
- Leistenentwicklung – wie kann ich meinen Bedarf und Passform optimieren?
Consulting & Coaching
Your team and you are not able to solve these issues in a sustainable manner? Its never the failing of just one person or department but rather a accumulation of many small details.
After a thorough research of your development and production processes, I will be able to point out possibilities that will help improve your production flow and costing.
- Background knowledge on modelling technology – why do my shoes have the same defects?
- Design – why does it take multiple trials to get the proportions right?
- Collection – how do my processes of development influence my delivery and quality?
- Lastdevelopment – how do I define my needs and improve my fitting?